WATCH: Store takes extraordinary measure with frozen pizzas amid shoplifting epidemic

By Brandon Poulter
Daily Caller News Foundation

A store in San Francisco is chaining up the freezer section after a series of thefts, according to a KPIX CBS5 reporter.

Shoplifters targeted the ice cream and pizza section of a Walgreens in San Francisco, which led to the chaining up of the freezer section to prevent theft, according to a tweet from reporter Betty Yu. San Francisco businesses are fleeing amid a surge of organized theft in the city.

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Multiple sections in the store appeared to be locked, including the cosmetics, razors, air fresheners and hair dye, according to the video. Workers at the store reportedly said that the store is being robbed up to 20 times a day.

“20 times a day?,” Elon Musk tweeted in response to the video.

San Francisco experienced an increase in vehicle thefts, robberies and homicides in 2023. More than 20 retail stores have closed in the San Francisco downtown area since 2020, and over 10,000 cases of larceny or theft have been reported in 2023.

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The San Francisco Mayor’s office did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment. The Walgreens could not immediately be reached for comment.

This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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