Radical cross-dressing Biden appointee now arrested for being fugitive

  • by:
  • Source: WND Staff
  • 05/18/2023
Sam Brinton (Video screenshot)

Sam Brinton (Video screenshot)

Sam Brinton, the radical Joe Biden appointee to America's nuclear regulatory agency who previously was arrested for stealing women's luggage at airports, now has been handcuffed for being a fugitive from justice.

The New York Post said Brinton, 35, was taken into custody at a home in Rockville, Maryland, late Wednesday.

The police agency involved was the Montgomery County Police.

He had been fired from his appointment to the U.S. Energy Department, where he was deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition, when the luggage cases arose.

The report said arrest records confirmed Brinton, who has chosen a "non-binary" identity for himself and wants people to address him as "they," was listed as a fugitive from justice.

A police statement said, "They are being held at the Montgomery County Central Processing Unit on a no-bond status as they await an extradition hearing."

The report said the investigation was being led by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police.

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The Daily Wire reported someone claiming to be a neighbor reported "four unmarked police showed up" at the home last night and took Brinton away in handcuffs.

Brinton just weeks ago pleaded no contest to charges he stole a woman's luggage at the Las Vegas’ Harry Reid International Airport in July 2022. He was ordered to pay the woman back and serve a 180-day suspended jail sentence.

He also had agreed to undergo a mental health evaluation for an incident where similar luggage theft charges arose following an incident at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Fox News reported that Tanzanian fashion designer Asya Idarous Khamsin and her husband Khamsin Alkhag talked about how Brinton allegedly took Asya's luggage, and then wore her clothes on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

Brinton has been described across media reports as a genderfluid, cross-dressing drag queen radical whose fetishes include pretending people are dogs.

He also was a member of a drag queen society called "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" and called himself, in that role, "Sister Ray Dee O'Active."

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although millions of American parents send their precious children off to public school every day, imagining their kids’ days will be filled with reading, writing, arithmetic, science, history, sports and music, they’re not only in for a shock – but for total BETRAYAL. Today’s “public” (government) schools have become far-left ideological, political and religious indoctrination centers aimed at reprogramming and transforming America’s children.

Kids are being taught to HATE their own country and to see themselves and their parents as racists – or victims of racists. They are sexualized and corrupted, and many are groomed into the dark LGBT world, with almost 6,000 schools prohibiting parents from even hearing about their child’s transgender “transition.” In between all the far-left indoctrination and sexual corruption, teachers take time to scare children to death about the near-term end of life on earth due to “catastrophic climate change.” Another lie. But it’s all classic Marxism/communism, with even the “3 R’s” – reading, writing and arithmetic – now being corrupted with “woke,” “1984”-style madness.

Perhaps never has the true threat of today’s U.S. public school system been exposed as in the sensational April issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled “THE GREATEST BETRAYAL: How Marxism and madness have taken over America’s public school system.” Whistleblower is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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