Press Secretary Jen Psaki holds a press briefing on Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House photo by Cameron Smith)
Joe Biden's White House, through spokeswoman Jen Psaki, is threatening anyone who opposes his transgender promotions with the full power of the federal government through its Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services.
According to Trending Politics she staked out a "take-no-prisoners" attitude regarding Biden administration demands that everyone adhere to its social-sexual agenda.
"Across the country, as we've talked about a bit in here, Republican elected officials are engaging in disturbing, cynical trend of attacking vulnerable transgender kids for purely partisan political reasons," she claimed while promoting Biden's own partisan agenda. "Today, in Alabama, instead of focusing on critical kitchen table issues like the economy, COVID or addressing the country’s mental health crisis, Republican lawmakers are currently debating legislation that, among many things, would target trans youths with tactics that threatens to put pediatricians in prison if they provide medically necessary life-saving health care for the kids they serve.
"Just like the extreme government overreach we’ve seen in Texas, where politicians have sent state officials into the homes of loving parents to investigate them for abuse just to harass and intimidate the LGBTQI+ community, today’s vote in Alabama will only serve to harm kids. But Alabama’s lawmakers and other legislators who are contemplating these discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services that laws and policies preventing care that health care professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the Constitution and the federal law."
She threatened, "To be clear, every major medical association agrees that gender-affirming health care for transgender kids is the best practice and potentially lifesaving. All of this begs an important question: What are these policies actually trying to solve for? LGBTQI+ people can’t be erased or forced back into any closets and kids across our nation should be allowed to be who they are without the threat that their parents or their doctor could be imprisoned simply for helping them and loving them."
Actually, her claims about "medically necessary life-saving health care" involving chemical and physical castration for children, as well as other body mutilations inflicted in the transgender "treatment," are less than accurate.
It's because those opinions from "medical associations" often are politically influenced, and following the science of the National Institutes of Health, it's known that huge percentages of transgenders attempt, and often succeed, at suicide even after such "treatment."
The NIH explains those who commit suicide among transgender populations ranges from 32% to 50%.
That organization explains, "The suicidal behavior and suicide attempt rates are reported to be significantly high among transgender persons compared to general population across the countries. … Forty-one percent of the transgender persons in the United States attempt for suicide at least once in their life."
Further, WND has reported Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins, has confirmed that 70%-80% of those who claim gender dysphoria, if left alone, outgrow those feelings after a few years.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently released a commentary explaining that the explosion of transgender advocacy is based largely on money.
Money for the activist organizations who lobby, money for the pharmaceutical industry players who make and sell the chemical castration pills, money for unions who enlist teachers to promote the far-left ideology, and more.
Carlson used the opening segment of a recent show, at which he interviewed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, to explain the reality-warping strategy.
It is DeSantis who has signed into law his state's Parental Rights in Education law, which "Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children; prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information; prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being; prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services; authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment; provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents."
All that means one cannot teach an extreme gender-fluid ideology to students in kindergarten through grade 3 while concealing that indoctrination from parents.
Carlson's monologue, which runs for a little over 12 minutes:
Biden's advocacy, WND reported, on the issue also recently took a major credibility blow, when it was revealed that a "study" he cited in support of transgenderism was funded to significant levels by companies that make money off of the children who are subjected to those "treatments."
Biden's plan also has been bluntly condemned by the likes of Christian leaders like Franklin Graham of Samaritan's Purse and James Dobson of FamilyTalk Radio who both said his strategy is "vile."
The Trending Politics report confirmed Florida state Rep. Randy Fine has had enough.
"I’ve had enough of this nonsense. Next session, I will help shepherd legislation to make it illegal to provide drugs or surgery to a minor for the purpose of alleged ‘gender assignment.’ The legislation will make it felony child abuse punishable by prison and loss of medical license. This legislation would not affect mental counseling," Fine said on social media.
"If an adult wants to self-mutilate their body in pursuit of the fiction that they can defy both God and science, more power to them — so long as they don’t expect me to pay for it. But no child should be put in the position of making fundamentally life-altering decisions before they are of the age of majority.
"I can call myself a porcupine, but that doesn’t make it so. It is time for us to dispense with this fantasy — one that is turning our women’s sports into a joke and our schools into a cesspool."
The report explained, "The White House has shown throughout the COVID pandemic that it does not consider children to belong to their parents. The Biden administration has effectively declared war on children with a radical program to groom them into whatever the state desires."
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