Megachurch faces civil lawsuit after elder starves, tortures daughter to death



(PROTESTIA) – Last year, an elder from Miles McPherson’s 19,000-member Rock Church in San Diego, California, was taken into custody and charged with the gruesome murder of her 11-year-old adopted daughter, Arabella, by way of torture and starvation. Now, a lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Arabella’s two remaining biological sisters, taking legal action against the church and accusing it of ignoring the signs of abuse and failing to report it.

The tragic chain of events unraveled in late 2022, when a distress call about a child led police to the home around 2 am. Emergency crews discovered the young girl in dire straits and rushed her to the hospital, where she later died.

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Detectives observed signs of abuse and malnutrition, leading them to arrest Leticia McCormack, the adoptive mother, along with Arabella’s adoptive grandparents on multiple charges, including murder, torture, and deliberate cruelty to a child. Arabella weighed just 48 lbs when found, was covered in bruises, and was later discovered to have 13 still-healing bone fractures. Her adoptive father, Brian McCormack, chose to end his life rather than face arrest, shooting himself in his truck on the day Arabella died.

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