London landmark illuminated with Islamic slogans to celebrate end of Ramadan

(RAIR FOUNDATION) – Muslims gathered at Trafalgar Square in London, England, for their annual Eid in the Square, an Islamic festival held the first Saturday after their religious holiday of Eid al-Fitr. This triumphalist event, which marks the end of Ramadan, began in 2006 and has been hosted by the Mayor of London’s office and terror-tied Islamic groups.

In 2019, England’s Muslim population smashed the three million mark. According to the Office for National Statistics analysis, some parts of London are now almost 50 percent Islamic.

The event normally sees attendances of over 25,000 Muslims. There are live music performances, market stalls, poetry, speakers, and many controversial celebrity guest appearances. The event includes Qu’ran recitations and the Islamic call to prayer, which declares the supremacy of Allah of Islam. Tomas Samuel, a former imam, says that according to Islamic text, the Muslim call to prayer “shows power and control over the country.” Ex-Muslim Ridvan Aydemir likens the call to prayer to a “warlike declaration” and implores European and North American cities to ban it.

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