Ex-FBI agent on Hunter probe confirms key detail of whistleblower testimony

Hunter Biden (ABC News video screenshot)

Hunter Biden (ABC News video screenshot)

By Jake Smith
Daily Caller News Foundation

A former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the Hunter Biden criminal investigation has confirmed several key aspects of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblower testimony from June, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer announced Monday.

The former agent said that the Biden family and the Secret Service were tipped off about an interview the FBI planned to have with Hunter Biden in December 2020, according to a transcribed interview conducted by the House Oversight Committee on Monday. Biden entered a plea deal in late June after he was charged with two misdemeanor tax offenses and illegal possession of a firearm.

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley previously alleged that the U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware’s investigation into Hunter Biden was “slow-walked” by the Department of Justice, calling the breach of protocol “way outside the norm.”

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The former agent also said that the FBI was told not to approach Hunter Biden until he told them he was ready to give the interview, which he never did – so the interview was never conducted.

Comer released a statement on Monday following the House Oversight Committee’s interview with the former FBI agent.

“Today, a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation confirmed key portions of the IRS whistleblower’s testimony,” Comer said in the statement. “The night before the interview of Hunter Biden, both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview.”

The FBI was aware in 2019 that Hunter Biden’s laptop was authentic, according to the testimony of an IRS whistleblower in late June. Biden also allegedly evaded tax payments by sending money from Burisma through a Chinese firm in 2014, according to the testimony of a second IRS whistleblower.

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“On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden—they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation,” said Comer.

Comer scolded the Justice Department for its “two-tiered system of justice” and promised the Oversight and Judiciary Committees would continue searching for answers.

“The Justice Department’s efforts to cover up for the Bidens reveals a two-tiered system of justice that sickens the American people,” Comer said. “The Oversight Committee, along with the Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.”

The White House and the FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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