Country Music Television faces fierce backlash after yanking Jason Aldean’s music video

(FOX NEWS) – Fans lashed out at Country Music Television, after it pulled singer Jason Aldean's "Try That in a Small Town" music video this week following accusations it was racist.

Aldean had enraged liberal activists with the new music video, which has anti-crime, pro-law enforcement themes and tells criminals that their behavior won't be tolerated in rural America. The music video plays footage from left-wing riots and smash-and-grab robberies. Activists accused the song of being racist and promoting violence.

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"Yeah, ya think you're tough? Well, try that in a small town, see how far ya make it down the road. Around here, we take care of our own, you cross that line, it won't take long for you to find out, I recommend you don't," Aldean sings in the video.

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