National budgets proposed by presidents often are given a courteous "thank you" from Congress and then set aside by members, who actually write the spending plan.
But they do reveal the White House priorities and objectives for the nation, and in this case, the proposed budget from Joe Biden reveals the extent of his gender and race agenda that in embedded even down to the level of NASA.
It is the Washington Free Beacon that documented how Biden is insisting on a $2.7 billion in additional funding for NASA, with "$150 million of it" to go to "targeting 'engagement of underserved populations, including underserved students and people of color.'"
And, Biden wrote, there's another $7.5 billion for the "Artemis lunar exploration mission, which would 'land the first woman and person of color on the moon.'"
A social media posting from the Free Beacon explained the specifics: "The budget provides $7.5 billion, $1.1 billion above the 2021 enacted level, for Artemis lunar exploration. Artemis would return American astronauts to the moon as early as 2025, land the first woman and person of color on the moon, deepen the nation's scientific understanding of the moon, and test technologies that would allow humans to safely and sustainable explore Mars."
All such language is routine.
Biden's 2023 budget includes $7.5 billion to "land the first woman and person of color on the moon"
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) March 29, 2022
But when social-media players saw it, they reacted, and it didn't have the Biden administration looking good.
"Seems like a new assignment for the Vice President Harris," said Randy Bradley, and Bruno Morgado added, "I hope they take at least one man to drive the spaceship …. or this isn't going to end well."
An anonymous contributor asked, "What's a woman?
There were, in order, poking fun at Harris' other assignments, the elections-takeover plan Democrats have failed to get yet and the southern border crisis, a snark about women drivers, and a joke about the recent comment from Biden's Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown, who refused to answer a senator's request to define "woman."
Noted Matthew, another anonymous commenter, "In other news, by selecting the crew based purely on skin color and what's between their legs and not skill, Biden can also be famous for the first mass death of people of color on the moon as they plummet, splatter, and suffocate on the moon!"
That no doubt was triggered by Biden's nomination of Jackson because she met his sole demands for a nominee: being black and being a woman.
Yet another said "Joe" should "Cover all the bases," with a "gay woman of color."
The Beacon actually reported that Biden's budget gives "billions of dollars" to "equity" programs in dozens of agencies.
"Biden's spending plan mentions 'equity' and its derivatives more than 100 times, including in a $48 million allocation for an 'equitable National Park System.' With this money, the Department of the Interior 'would expand operations at parks that preserve and tell the story of historically underrepresented and marginalized groups.' The State Department will receive $2.6 billion under the plan to 'advance gender equity.' The Environmental Protection Agency will receive more than $1.5 billion to 'advance racial equity and secure environmental justice for communities,'" the report said.
Biden's $5.8 trillion spender includes "antiracism" training, favors minorities for jobs and more.
He claims, "Persistent systemic inequities and barriers to opportunity have denied this promise for so many. That is why the president has taken historic steps to put equity at the center of his agenda—and why the president assembled the most diverse cabinet in American history to deliver on this government-wide effort."
Biden also proposes cutting the number of detention beds for illegal aliens attracted to the U.S. by his lax border policies.
He also emphasizes he wants at least 40% of all benefits from investment in climate and clean energy to end up with "disadvantaged communities" and the Department of Transportation would use $20 million to "promote equity."
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