16-year-old female swimmer banned by YMCA swim team for not wanting to share locker room with men

(Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash)

(Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash)

(THE POST MILLENNIAL) – On Thursday, former University of Kentucky swimmer Kaitlynn Wheeler joined OutKicks Dan Dakich to discuss her younger sister Abigail being kicked off her YMCA swim team after protesting a male being in the female locker room.

During the interview posted on Twitter, Wheeler explained that her 16-year-old sister went into the locker room after practice one day in April "and she witnessed a man changing in her locker room, and obviously, the shock and settlement of that was scary to her. She felt unsafe, so she immediately went and told her head coach. She told him that there was a man changing in their locker room."

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"She was dismissed," she continued. "She was told that there was nothing that he could do. She and my parents went to the CEO [and] the YMCA board and brought this to them and again, they were told that they couldn't do anything. They were laughed at. My sister was laughed at and told, 'You know transgenders have been around a long time, this isn't new and laughed.'"

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